Many thanks to Pat Peeters for starting this event and keeping it going for 25 years. He was going to wrap it up after this year, but another intrepid Squire has offered to keep it going beyond this year!
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Monday, March 22, 2021
2017 Tour of the Pennings Building & Grounds
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Mysteries Solved - Black Helmets and Yellow Pants
"The quarterback at the time was having trouble seeing the silver helmets amongst competitors white and light colored helmets. So Coach LaViolette had them all painted black so his quarterback could more easily see his teammates.
"They ordered a few new black helmets yearly but spray painted the old helmets black every summer for several years until they had turned them all over."
Dave did not know where we got the Fighting Squire Logo. I had always assumed a student created it modeled on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish logo, but I've seen our exact Squire at a few other schools named Knights, Crusaders, etc. So it may have been an image in the public domain or perhaps just freely shared back then. I did see a post from another school where they credited one of their students with designing it, but the timing didn't seem right. (Here is the difficult to see silver helmet.)
On to the pants. To me, the Squire color palette has always been a really cool green, black and white. But we wore yellow football pants during my time there in the 80s, and for sure back to 1979 as shown in this photo from the 1979 Springs game. Michele said that Dave confirmed my suspicions that it had something to do with the connection to St. Norbert College. He thinks we got hand-me-down pants from SNC when they ordered new ones. And there may have been a connection to the Packers as well. All of those teams were wearing yellow pants with green and white stripes on the side for a time.
Here's a photo of the 1972 Squires vs the Cadets. White pants with black stripes then. I wonder if we ever had black pants with a green jersey and black helmet. That would have been sharp!
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The APHS Gymnasium
The Abbey Bar and Hitchhiking Home
Monday, March 8, 2021
Murder Ball
Gym class at Abbot Pennings High School involved a variety of sports. Mr. Minten would usually take us through several classes worth of each activity, baseball, basketball, touch football and various other pursuits. However, in between sessions, or on special occasions (or perhaps when Mr. Minten didn't feel like trying to get us organized) he would declare that this day would be "Murder Ball!" Murder Ball is more or less the same as Dodgeball, but at Abbot Pennings, the venue and the projectiles made it unique.
The Pennings Gym was small, but it contained an abbreviated basketball court. The top of the key nearly touched the center circle. The baselines were touching the brick wall, and there were pillars along the side. This picture from a 1982 pickup basketball game gives a nice overview and reminds us how short athletic shorts used to be.
The very features that limited its use for basketball only added to it's charm for Murder Ball. The centerline divided the court in half. One for each team, and you could not cross into the opponents territory. Out of bounds was where you went when you were hit, so you could not hide behind a pillar if you were in play. The brick walls provided some ricochet, so if you avoided the mat, even a miss might bounce back to your team for another try.
But the true genius of Mr. Minten's version of Murder Ball was the balls that he provided for this game. The number was 3, but each one was unique, and it was critical to know where they were at all times throughout the game. First, we have your standard red bouncy ball, standard for "4 Square" and other schoolyard games. It was soft and bouncy, difficult to throw, but easy to catch. It was not very accurate, and didn't hurt at all if it hit you. Then we had the fuzzy volleyball, standard size, but covered with yellow fuzz like a tennis ball. It was a little more challenging than the bouncy ball, but nothing to fear.
The final ball, the coup de grace, was the tiny white volleyball. It was so small, so cute, one could hardly imagine the destruction it could render in the hands of a Pennings athlete. It was about the size of a softball, almost as hard, but lighter. It had the seams of a volleyball, but it was slick and very hard to catch. The best bet was to dodge it and hope it ended up on your side of the court, but it would often bounce back off the bricks into the hands of the enemy. A cruel, but favorite, tactic was to acquire the bouncy ball and the little volleyball on your side. One team member would throw an easy shot with the bouncy ball. As the unsuspecting opponent was lining up for an easy catch, he would be drilled with the white volleyball.
Strategy, tactics, agility and pain: All were found in a spirited game of Murder Ball at Abbot Pennings.
This story was original written for the old website in February 2009.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
The Abbey Pond
The Abbot Pennings Squires played our football games across the river, at St. Norbert College's Minahan Stadium - Home of the St. Norbert Green Knights. (A Squire is a Knight's assistant, which is how we got our name.) The stadium was just off of Broadway, on the grounds of the St. Norbert Abbey. Conveniently (or inconveniently if you were a freshman) located next to the stadium was a small body of water known as Abbey Pond.
In this 2009 view, the shores of Abbey Pond appear to be well groomed. There's even a nice path down to the water. Not so in 1981, when I was a freshman. Back then it was surrounded by weeds and trees, and the pond itself was slimy and murky from rotting plants and leaves that had fallen in. I don't remember an island either, but it may have been there.
It became somewhat of a tradition over the years for upperclassmen to round up freshman after football games and toss them into the pond. By the 1980s, the administration was attempting to crack down on this behavior, and I can kind of see their point. After all, this happened in the dark after football games, and no swimming credentials were verified before one was tossed in. The prudent freshman was careful not to mouth off to seniors in the week before a home game, and many frosh would leave a couple of minutes early to avoid the swim.
Minahan Stadium was torn down after they built Donald J. Schneider Stadium on the west side of the river, closer to campus, in 2010. Here's a view of the pond in the mid-2010s when you could still see the footprint of the stadium. More algae on it in this one which is more what I remember not wanting to get tossed into!
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Random Historical Facts about APHS
Notre Dame Academy's History Page has a small write-up about Abbot Pennings High School with very little detail. An earlier version of that web page had more history documented.
"St. Norbert High School was founded in 1898 as the first educational institution established by the Norbertine Order in the United States. Founded as a college prep boarding school and located on St. Norbert College campus until 1959, in what is today Boyle Hall, St. Norbert High School began with four registered students and their teacher, Abbot Bernard Pennings, O. Praem.
"In 1959, the location and name of the school changed. St. Norbert High School, whose enrollment had grown to 180 students, became Abbot Pennings High School, and they moved into the building that formerly housed Nicolet High School in West De Pere. In 1967, the Norbertine Order, due to enrollment gains, added to the school's physical facilities by purchasing the Congregational church and converting in into the Music Hall.
"In 1925, Abbot Pennings chose the motto, "Diligamus invicem," "Let us love one another." This motto formed the hallmark in the history of St. Norbert High School and Abbot Pennings High School."
In the 1980s, enrollment was about 300. The physical campus had not changed much since 1967, consisting of the main school building and the band hall. I'm not sure Abbot Pennings' "Let us love one another" motto would have gone over too well at an all boys school in the 80s. I don't recall ever hearing that one. I always thought our motto was "Milites Sumus Christi" from the Abbot Pennings crest. My one year of Latin translates it as, "We are Soldiers of Christ."
Pennings always had solid financial support from the Norbertines, parents and alumni, but by the late 1980s, the other two Catholic high schools, Premontre and St. Joseph's Academy, were struggling. Premontre went coed to try to keep enrollment up, which took away students from the Academy. The powers-that-be decided that Green Bay would be better served by one Catholic high school instead of three and created Notre Dame de la Baie, housing it on the Premontre site.
They didn't handle the PR part well, and there were candlelight vigils, news coverage, outrage and much sadness in the Pennings community as the school closed in 1990. We had a good run and won our State Basketball Tournament that final year, which struck me as a positive swan song for the "DePere Abbot Pennings" name, as the state's sports media called it. The Pennings building is still in it's place, next to the new bridge in DePere. St. Norbert College owns it and uses it as the "Pennings Activity Center" which houses offices and meeting space for various campus organizations. (It's Number 24 on this SNC Campus Map.)
One more historical note, I had always heard that the APHS building was originally a DePere public high school (evidently Nicolet High School from the quote above) before the Norbertines acquired it in 1959. That always made sense to me because it seemed like it was a hundred years old when we were there. It was and is still quite a sturdy old building. In the early 1980s, they did a big window replacement project. Those 8 foot high windows used to be single pane glass with real mullions, and were replaced with a top half made of insulation board and modern sliding windows on the bottom. It wasn't an accurate historical retrofit of the building, but it didn't look bad and I remember upperclassmen telling me how much better (warmer) it was with the new windows.
In April of 2010, I got an e-mail from Jeff Clancy (APHS '62.) He updated me on some of the plays they did while he was there. I asked him some questions about the early days of Pennings because I've always wondered if it was mostly a name change or if Pennings felt like a different school than SNCHS. Here's his response in an e-mail on April 20, 2010:
"I went to Premontre for my freshman year and started Pennings as a sophomore. That year 59 & 60 was the 1st year in the "new" building and the 1st year as APHS not St. Norbert. It felt like new in that it was all painted & spruced up. However, it had been a school before and therefore didn't feel like a brand new school.
"We did have sports from the start, in fact the St. Norbert 58 & 59 yearbook had sports in it. The biggest difference I think is that St. Norbert was much more of a boarding school on the college campus and Pennings still had some boarders but it was much more dominated by the locals. The boarders stayed on the St. Norbert College campus through their graduation but I don't think we accepted any new boarders. So I guess boarding was grandfathered with the new school.
"Father Meehan was there as a novitiate and became a priest while I was there. Yes, Fr. Feldman was there as principal.
"Like you, I feel privileged to have gone there. I do have yearbooks from 1959 through 1962, so if you have any questions, I would be glad to look them up."
More details on the building from a St. Norbert Collecge handout on the "Pennings Activity Center" building from an open house in Fall 2015:
This three-story brick building was constructed in 1923 as Nicolet High School for the West De Pere School District. It was purchased in 1959 by the Norbertine Order and became Abbot Pennings High School. From 1959 until 1990, almost 9,000 young men graduated from Abbot Pennings High School. The Fighting Squires athletic teams saw their share of success and championships in football, soccer, basketball, cross country, tennis, track and baseball.
The high school closed in 1990 when it consolidated with Green Bay's St. Joseph Academy and Premontre High School which became Notre Dame de la Baie Academy of Green Bay. Many loyal alumni remain in touch through reunions, golf outings and the Abbot Pennings High School Group on Facebook.
St. Norbert College purchased the Building in August of 1990 and it became Pennings Activity Center. The building contains the original gymnasium and performance space. Many of the classrooms have been converted to offices and conference rooms. For several years it served as the home for many of the College's student programs, including the offices of Cultural Diversity, and the Office of Leadership, Service and Involvment, as well as Communications and ROTC. Presently space is dedicated to the Campus Safety Office, as well as conference/meeting rooms, and faculty offices.
The building was named to the National Register of Historic Places in June, 2015. Future plans for the building are not solidified, but it will continue to play a central role on the St. Norbert College campus and remain a landmark in the city of De Pere.
This write-up is a little redundant because they got much of the information from this site. But there was some info I didn't know so it makes sense to include it here. I had not heard that it was designated on the National Register of Historic Places until I saw this. Thanks to Bonnie Elfner (Mom) for sending it on. She was a tour guide at Pennings during the open house!
2021 Note: I wrote most of this 10 or so years ago for the old website. I tried to note where I got my information, but it is definitely a bit biased to the Pennings narrative of why the school had to close. I feel like I got most of it right, and I do know the Pennings community felt like the decision was made and jammed through in a less than elegant manner in 1990. I recently found a sticker from that time that said "The Vision can include Abbot Pennings", but evidently it couldn't.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Rolling Out the New Archive
Squire Nation,
The domain has expired, and I am rolling out the new archive for all things Abbot Pennings tomorrow, March 5. It has been moved to an Abbot Pennings google account I created to store photos and other archives. I haven't moved all the old content there yet, but I will continue that process so we don't lose anything. I teased the new photo archive and some yearbook stuff on facebook in the past few weeks. Let me know what you think.
I am thinking that this site's address, is a sufficient address for the archive, but if anyone thinks we should hang onto the domain, I will consider it.
It's a lot easier to update this page, so if you have anything you want to add, send a comment or otherwise track me down. I am particularly happy with the new yearbook page. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 11, 2021
I have put myself under a deadline. I won't be renewing my website hosting in March 2021, so the content of will be moving here. Whatever doesn't make it before the cutover will go dark until I catch up again.
The first page I worked on is the Van Remortel Slide Collection. This is a box of slides that Mary Jane Van Remortel, one of our school secretaries, saved from the dumpster as the school was closing. It's a nice glimpse of life at Pennings in the 70s and 80s. I scanned and shared these in 2012, so you may have seen them before.